La radio libera nell’era digitale
Episodio 191 – Rock’n Roll Mayhem
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Un bell’episodio Full Music / Full Rock per riempire le vostre vacanze.

I link:

I Raeliani sono fuori di testa.
Dal Telegraph: global not-warming
La fart-tax dell’Environmental Protection Agency
Il discorso di Natale di Ahmadinejad

La Musica:

The Deadline (He Stopped Loving Her Today)
Granian (On My Own)
Anemo (Fallout Renegade)
The Shapes (Dreaming of an M16)
Handhoney (Paper or Plastic)
Lacuna Coil (Heaven’s a Lie)
Mad Margritt (Animal)
Bitune (Still)
Black Lab (See The Sun)
Sophia Ramos (Esperanza)
Supersuckers (Gato Negro)
Valerian (Children of the Menticide)
Belladonna (Black Swan)
Pilfa Confession Box (Fingergun)
Alice Marie (Bring The Guitar)
Blood Ruby (Shang Shui)

December 29th, 2008 at 10:55 pm